Our laboratory has developed a DNA test with a combination of sequencing and professional knowledge that identifies the “Ino” (blue) gene in several species of parrots.
The development included an extensive genetic scan that includes genetic methods, bioinformatics, and biological tests and took over a year. As part of the research, in order to identify and confirm the scientific findings, we examined a large number of parrots from Israel and the world.
The tests performed by the company’s laboratory team allow identification of the carriers of the mutations leading to the “no” or “blue” phenotypes.
Testing for carriers of the “inou” gene currently includes the following types of parrots:
Galla cockatoo, alexandrine, derra, plum head (Amazona aestiva at work).
Testing for the carriers of the “blue” color currently includes the following types of parrots:
Derra, Alexandrine, Eclectus, and Cockatoo Galla (Amazona aestivia at work).
In order to ensure the reliability of the method developed by us, if possible, the blood of the parent carrying (split) the mutation must be sent with certainty. In addition, you can also send siblings from the same blood line who definitely carry (split) the mutations. In the initial stage we will check if the mutation is in our database, if indeed the result is positive, with the approval of the tester we will continue with the analysis of the rest of the tests. The test is free of charge. The accuracy percentage is 99.9%. The cost of the test will be given at the closing of the deal.
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