What are the types of tests that can be performed?
How can I know if my bird is male or female?
The DNA test of birds is the easiest and most accurate way
Determine whether your bird is sick or a carrier of the disease and also whether it is male or female.
The process is simple: download a printable sample card form here from the website
And contact us for payment and to send the test.
In addition we provide a free DNA collection kit!

DNA sex test
A mating (sex) test in winged animals is a DNA test, based on differences between sex chromosomes (Z and W). Males have two identical sex chromosomes (ZZ), while females have two different sex chromosomes (WZ). On these chromosomes are Sequences are highly conserved between different species of birds, when there is a difference between males and females. By amplifying these regions with the help of the PCR reaction, two segments of different sizes are obtained in females compared to one segment of size in males. The accuracy of the test is very high.

Chlamydia tests

In our laboratory we perform PCR test by feces or fluid from the mouth
Chlamydophilia is a systemic disease caused by the bacterium Chlamydia psittaci.
The disease can be chronically asymptomatic to very severe acute with high mortality rates.
Non-specific symptoms include anorexia, apathy, decreased egg laying, diarrhea, eye discharge, feathers
slaps, and respiratory diseases. In its acute form, the disease affects internal organs such as the liver, spleen and lungs.
swallowing or breathing. Bacteria particles are protected by an organic shell of feces and dirt resistant to dehydration
and infect even after several months. Transmission of disease by biting insects is possible.
From three to ten days to several weeks
Chlamydophilia is a zoonotic disease, meaning it is transmitted from animals to humans.
Consultation with a veterinarian

Beak and feather inspection
In our laboratory, we perform a PCR test performed on blood or feathers
Feather and beak disease (PBFD) is a viral disease caused by the psittacine circovirus. The disease attacks the
Most parrots, as well as songbirds such as pigeons and more. The disease is considered a “children’s disease” of birds and affects most
In Tzip and males under 3 years of age.
Non-specific symptoms include anorexia, apathy, decreased egg laying, diarrhea, eye discharge, feathers
slaps, and respiratory diseases. In its acute form, the disease affects internal organs such as the liver, spleen and lungs.
swallowing or breathing. Infected birds excrete virus particles that are resistant to lice through their feces, feather dust and saliva.
From 3-4 weeks and up to several years, depending on the amount of virus that the bird was exposed to, shedding condition and health condition of
the bird
no risk to humans
Supportive treatment only while isolating an infected animal.

Polyoma test
A PCR test performed on blood
Polyoma is a viral disease caused by the virus (APV (Avian polyomavirus) belonging to the papoviridae family.
The virus mainly attacks very young birds and causes rapid death within 24-48 hours. Adult birds are usually resistant
For infection, they develop antibodies to the virus and get rid of it within up to 90 days
Loss of appetite, depression, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, internal bleeding, and finally death. birds detect more than
3 weeks who survive the disease often develop damage to the hair follicles (one of the causes of French baldness)
.) French malt
Swallowing and breathing. Infected birds excrete highly resistant virus particles into the environment through feces, feather dust and saliva.
7-10 days
The disease is not dangerous to humans
Supportive treatment only while isolating an infected animal.